Prince Vegeta's Kingdom


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Welcome to the contest page! Each time a contest is over, i will post post another as quickly as i can ^_^! The rules for each one is different, so pay attention! To enter a contest, all you have to do is e mail me the submission, with the subject being of course, contest. Each contest is different, so check regularly ^_^!

WOOT! the first contest is here! cheers! *eh hem*, okay, the first contest is simple, draw a piece of fanart in which Vegeta is being annoyed the hell out of by baby Trunks or Bra ^_^! But, also make sure it also shows there love for eachother /v\, awwwwwwwwwww ^_^! the prize will forever be known as the torturer of Vegeta with random things!!! i know, not that fantastic, but you also get a spot on the homepage for a week, where you may tell my what you want to say, and it WILL be posted immediately ^_^! All entries will be posted on the DBZ fan art page ^_^! good luck!

~Vegeta's Mate and Lover for Life

the ending of this contest has not been decided, but when i decide, warnings will be posted here, on the homepage, and on the DBZ fanart page, so make sure you're checking regularly ^_^! Byeaz!

Email me with your submission here, and make sure the subject is contest ^v^!

All Hail The Almighty Prince of the Saiyans, Vegeta